ฅ^>ω<^ฅ Welcome to my site
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.
— James Cameron
Hi, I’m Colton, a senior software engineer for Indicio and co-chair of the DIDComm users group. With years of experience contributing to the project and programming since 4th grade, I bring expertise and a unique perspective on decentralized identity. I helped created the first iteration of an interactive DIDComm demo, wrote the Quickstart library, making sending messages through DIDComm faster and easier, and contributed heavily to the Indicio Proven Cloud Scale Mediator, enabling more affordable, larger scaling projects for decentralized identity. In my free time I’m passionate about learning japanese (よろしくお願いします!), amateur radio, and contributing back to the open-source community.